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2014 B52 23’ Dimensions With Trailer


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Hi All,

New member here. I’m in the market for a boat, and would really like to squeeze a 2014 MB B52 23’ in my garage. However, the length/width of the boat on the trailer may be a deal breaker. The garage is 23’ 10” x 12’ with a 9’w x 8’t door opening.  I’ve seen various measurements mentioned on the forum, but none seem consistent.  

I’m hoping to get the exact length and width of a 2014 23’ B52 on the trailer with the tongue and swim step folded.  My thought is I may be able to angle the boat in the garage enough to get it to fit. If I can get the dimensions Ill put it in CAD to get a better guess.  

I really appreciate any help y’all can give.  

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Welcome to the forum @FlyNavy! I have a 2013 B52 21' in my garage so hopefully I can provide some helpful input even though it's not exactly the same boat. Just to make sure I understand correctly, you have a single bay garage with a 9' wide door you're trying to get the boat into, correct?

One issue I'm pretty sure you're going to have is width. I bought a house several years ago that had a 4 car garage with 4 single 9' wide doors. The trailer guide rails would have had to have been removed to fit through the 9' door width as they were slightly wider than 9'. The height of my doors were only 7' so I ended up hiring various contractors to convert two of the single doors into an 8' tall double door. The other issue with this narrow of a door opening is that you need to be able to back the boat straight into the garage. My driveway has a slope so I need to approach at an angle. A narrow door opening makes an angle approach almost impossible so that's one more factor for you to keep in mind.

Another issue you may have is, what is attached to the transom of the boat you're looking at? Does it have a surf tabs? An FAE? Those all add length. If it's only the exhaust tips, you might just barely sneak it in. If I recall correctly, the boat hull is 23' so you have to add the extra length for whatever is attached to the transom. At 23'10" you'll just barely make it if you only have the exhaust tips and you remove the swim platform. With surf tabs or an FAE, I don't think you'll fit.

If you do decide to go for it, I would consider getting a trailer dolly. With as close as you're cutting it, the trailer dolly will be much easier to maneuver than backing it in with your tow vehicle. I went with one from this company and it worked well. https://kaadengineering.com/



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