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2015 B52 23' Surf wave


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Finally got the courage and filled both my 1100's and threw them in the rear lockers. Had both at at least 1000lbs with both stocks full (5000lbs). Had two buddies sitting in bow (400lbs). Took about 10 seconds for wave to form. Craziest wave I have ever surfed. My friend has a 2015 MC X30 and the wave can not even compete with this. I am wondering if any one on here is running anything like this. Wave was fairly clean but want to get it flawless. If you have a 2015 with switch surf i recommend trying this out. I will get some pictures up here by Friday or Saturday. 


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That's a lot of weight, suggest less ballast and move your passengers to the side being surfed. There's a serious risk of sinking or swamping your boat if that wake comes over the back when stopping or the bow when turning around.  MB's make a serious wake regardless, good luck ...

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